Friday, December 25, 2009

Constitutional Committee finalises key provisions in new constitution through voting

The Constitutional Committee (CC), considered the most important among the eleven thematic committees of the Constituent Assembly (CA), has finalised some key provisions to be incorporated in the new constitution through voting, Friday. The committee voted on 98 provisions in the new constitution during a meeting that ran more than seven hours yesterday. It had decided to go for voting on all provisions after the political parties failed to forge consensus on some key provisions including name of the new constitution, wordings in the preamble and whether or not to change the national flag and the emblems. Most of the provisions put forward by the Unified CPN (Maoist) including the name, changing the national flag and using the word ‘people’s war’ in the preamble of the constitution have been voted out by the committee. The committee voted for the name "The Constitution of Nepal - 2067" proposed by Nepali Congress and CPN (UML) for the new constitution against "The Constitution of the People's Federal Republic Nepal - 2067" proposed by the Maoists. The selected name received 31 votes for and 22 votes against it. NC, UML, Terai Madhes Loktantrik Party (TMLP), Madhesi Janadhikar Forum - Loktantrik (MJF-L) CA members voted for it, while the Maoist CA members votes against it. Although, eight other names were proposed for the new constitution, they received negligible votes. Likewise, the Maoist proposal to include the word "people´s war" in the preamble of the new constitution was voted out as it could not receive majority. But the proposal to include "Madhes movement" in the preamble received a majority.Another Maoist proposal to change the national flag was also rejected as it received only 27 votes. A proposal to change only the colour of the national flag keeping the emblems same put forward by Madhes-based political parties also got defeated as it could not garner a majority. The committee has decided, no national emblems will be mentioned in the new constitution. The present constitution has mentioned cow as the national animal, lopophorus as the national bird and rhododendron as the national flower.The proposal to keep press freedom and pluralism as unchangeable provisions in the new constitution received majority, while the proposals to keep federalism, preference for indigenous communities, secularism and inclusiveness as unchangeable provisions received minority.The provision to appoint ambassadors and special envoys of the country on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusiveness got a majority with 32 votes. The committee will now prepare a report with preliminary draft and concept for the new constitution and submit it to the CA, which will have a final say on the provisions. 58 members of the 64-member committee had participated in the voting. Heads of three largest political parties Pushpa Kamal Dahal of UCPN (Maoist), Girija Prasad Koirala of NC and Jhala Nath Khanal of CPN (UML) abstained from voting as per an agreement forged at the beginning of the meeting. Likewise, committee member Suprabha Ghimire of NC is abroad, Ek Nath Dhakal did not vote as his ballot was already used in another thematic committee and the committee chairman did not vote.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

House passes Appropriation Bill

The legislature parliament passed the Appropriation Bill for the implementation of the budget for the year 2009/10 Tuesday evening.The Unified CPN (Maoist) cleared the way for easy passage of Bill by sending only two of its lawmakers to the budget sitting. The main opposition party did not take part in the discussion on the Bill.No voting took place on the Bill thanks to the decision of the Maoist party.
The Maoist Parliamentary Board took the decision in a symbolic protest against the budget.
Minister Surendra Pandey had presented the Rs 285.93 billion budget four months ago.Voting on three other Bills necessary for the implementation of the budget will be presented in the House for endorsement on Wednesday.Meanwhile, Fearing the possibility of the budget failing in the event that required number of the lawmakers from the ruling parties failed to turn up, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal met Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP) chairman Narayanman Bijukchhe earlier today, requesting him to vote in favour of the budget. The NWPP has five lawmakers.The ruling parties had issued whips to their respective lawmakers to compulsorily attend the budget sitting.Meanwhile, speaking in the House, PM Nepal said the government was committed to drafting the new constitution and conducting the tasks under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. He also expressed commitment to implement the budget to archive the developmental and economic goals laid out in it and carry out relief programmes.He also said the government was serious about resolving the current political deadlock.Earlier, the ministers answered the questions regarding the budget allocations to their respective ministries.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

तपाईंहरुको आन्दोलन त शान्तिपूर्ण हुन सकेन नि ?
हाम्रो आन्दोलन अत्यन्त शान्तिपूर्ण र संयमित भयो । तर यो आन्दोलन भाँडेर मुलुकलाई िहंसात्मक रुपमा अगाडि बढाउन चाहने केही तत्वहरुको घुसपैठ भएको छ । लाखौं जनताले नागरिक सर्वोच्चताका लागि जुन किसिमको ऐक्यबद्धता देखाए यो ठूलो उपलब्धि हो । यसलाई भाँडेर आपुनो सत्ताको आयु लम्ब्याउन चाहनेहरुले हाम्रा पार्टीका केही नेता सभासद् र कार्यकर्तामाथि निर्ममतापूर्वक आक्रमणको म कडा रुपमा निन्दा र भत्स्रना गर्न चाहन्छु ।
कसले गर् यो त आन्दोलनमा घुसपैठ ?
यो कठपुतली सरकारका मसीहाहरु यस आन्दोलन बिथोल्न चाहन्छन् भाँडभैलो मच्चाउन चाहन्छन् र उनीहरुको मक्सद हामी कुनै पनि हालतमा पूरा हुन दिँदैनौं । हामी शान्तिपूर्ण रुपमै जनताको खोसिएको अधिकार र नागरिक सर्वोच्चता कायम गरेरै छाड्छौं । त्यसका लागि हामी शान्तिपूर्ण संघर्ष गरिरहन्छौं ।
नागरिक सर्वोच्चतालाई सत्ताको भर् याङ बनाउँदै हुनुहुन्छ रे ?
यो कुरा हामी स्पष्ट भन्न चाहन्छु हाम्रो उद्देश्य सत्तामा जाने हुँदै होइन । मैले चाहेको भए अहिले पनि म प्रधानमन्त्री रहिरहेको हुन्थे । मलाई हटाउने तागत कसैमा थिएन । राष्ट्रपतिले कटवाल प्रकरणमा चालेको कदम असंवैधानिक छ नागरिक सर्वोच्चता हनन भएको छ भनेर मैले राजिनामा गरेको हुँ । र आन्दोलन थालेका हौं । यो आन्दोलन नागरिक सर्वोच्चता स्थापित नभएसम्म रोकिँदैन ।
तपाईं त प्रधानमन्त्री हुनै आन्दोलन गरेको त प्रस्ट छैन र ?
प्रचण्डलाई प्रधानमन्त्रीको कुसर्ी ठूलो कुरा हेाइन । नागरिक सर्वोच्चता र जनताको अधिकार मुख्य कुरा हो । मलाई दुई महिनाअघि पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीको अफर आएको हो । चाहेको भए म प्रधानमन्त्री बन्न सक्थेँ ।
तपाईंहरुले सोचेजसरी त जनता सडकमा आएनन् नि ?
लाखौं जनता सडकमा आएका छन् । माओवादीको दोस्रो चरणको आन्दोलनले कठपुतली सरकारलाई घुँडा टेकाउँछ र नागरिक सर्वोच्चता स्थापित गरेरै छाड्छ । यो सरकारले वार्ता र सहमतिको वातावरण तयार गरेन भने हामी तेस्रो चरणको आन्दोलन सशक्त रुपमा अघि बढाउँछौं ।
तेस्रो चरणको आन्दोलनको स्वरुप कस्तो प्रकारको हुन्छ ?
अहिलेको भन्दा उन्नत किसिमको हुन्छ । त्यसमा हामी िसंहदरबार घेर्ने मात्र होइन । हामी मुलुक नै ठप्प हुने गरी आम हडताल गर्छौ र जनतालाई सडकमा उतारेर सरकारलाई बर्खास्त गर्छौ ।
भनेपछि सहमति नभई आन्दोलनबाटै वारपार हुने हो त ?
हामीले पाँच महिनादेखि जिम्मेवार रुपमा सहमति र सहकार्यका लागि पहल गरेकै हो । तर सरकारले हाम्रो कुरा सुन्दै सुनेन । अझै पनि एक दिन बाँकी छ । सरकारले हाम्रो कुरा सुनेन र दमनको नीति लियो भने प्रतिगामी र दललाहरुलाई परास्त गरिदिनेछौं ।
तपाईंहरुको आन्दोलनलाई ककसको सहयोग र समर्थन छ ?
यो आन्दोलनलाई विश्वकै समर्थन छ । संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको पनि समर्थन छ । बिस्तारै भारत चीन अमेरिका र युरोपियन युनियनको पनि समर्थन रहनेछन् ।
भारतसँग तपाईंको सम्बन्ध राम्रो छैन भनिन्छ नि ?
भारतसँग हाम्रो सम्बन्ध नराम्रो छैन । सम्बन्ध बिस्तार गरेर जान चाहन्छौं । तर जनताको सर्वोच्चता र राष्ट्रिय स्वाधीनताका लागि कसैसित पनि कम्प्रोमाइज गर्दैनौं ।
भारतीय माओवादीसँग कस्तो सम्बन्ध छ ?
भारतीय माओवादीसित हाम्रो कुनै किसिमको सम्बन्ध छैन । हामी शान्ति प्रकि्रयामा नआउाजेल कुराकानी हुन्थ्यो । तर अहिले हामी शान्ति प्रकि्रयामा आएपछि न भेट भएको छ न कुराकानी भएको छ । हतियार सप्लाई गरेको कुरा त वाहियात र अफवाह हो । एकदमै गलत प्रचार हो ।
भनेपछि माधवकुमार नेपाल नेतृत्वमा राष्ट्रिय सरकार बनाइदिँदा के फरक पर्छ ?
माधवकुमार नेपाल नेतृत्वमा कुनै पनि हालतमा राष्ट्रिय सरकार बन्न सक्दैन ।यो असंवैधानिक अलोकतान्त्रिक सरकार हो । त्यसैले जनताले हराएकाहरुको नेतृत्वको सरकारमा हामी सहभागी हुनै सक्दैनौं ।
कहिलेसम्म नयाँ सरकार बन्छ त्यो सम्भावना छ ?
हेर्नोस् नागरिक सर्वोच्चता कायम हुनुपर्छ उच्चस्तरीय राजनीतिक संयन्त्र बन्छ त्यसपछि प्रमुख दलका नेताहरु बसेर राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको सरकार बनाउने पहल सुरु हुन्छ । तर त्यसको नेतृत्व पनि माओवादीले नै गर्छ ।
प्रधानमन्त्री चाहिँ को हुन्छ तपाईं बाबुराम कि नारायणकाजी ?
हाम्रो प्रधानमन्त्रीबारे कुनै विवाद छैन । राष्ट्रिय सरकार बन्ने पक्का भएको दुई मिनेटमै प्रधानमन्त्रीको निर्णय गर्छौ ।

Monday, November 09, 2009

कोईरालाको स्वस्थ्यमा सुधार , गंगालालमा उपचार जारी

नेपाली कांग्रेस सभापति गिरीजाप्रसाद कोइरालाको स्वास्थ्यमा सुधार आउने क्रम शुरुभए पछि उहाँलाई थपउपचारकालागि सिङगापुर लैजाने कार्यक्रम स्थगित भएको छ । हिजो सम्म स्वास्थ्यमा सुधार नआएपछि थप उपचारकालागि भोलि सिंगापुर जाने तयारी गर्नुभएका कोइरालाको स्वास्थ्यमा आज उल्लेख्य सुधार आएपछि सिङगापुर जाने कार्यक्रम स्थगित गरिएको हो । केही दिन देखि फोक्सोमा समस्या आएका कारण निमोनिया भएपछि सभापति कोइरालालाई थप उपचारकालागि महाराजगञ्ज स्थित शहिद गंगालाल हृदय रोग केन्द्रमा भर्ना गरिएको थियो । काँग्रेसका प्रबक्ता अर्जुननरसिंह के.सि.ले कोईरालाको उपचारमा उल्लेख्य सुधार भएपछि चिकित्सक र सबैको आग्रहमा बिदेश उपचार गर्न जाने कार्यक्रम स्थगित गरेको जानकारी दिनुभयो ।यस बीच शहिद गंगालाल हृदय रोग केन्द्रले आज सभापति कोईरालाका सम्बन्धमा एक बिज्ञप्ती जारी गरेर उहाँको स्वस्थ्यमा उल्लेख्य सुधार भएको जनाएको छ । केन्द्रका निर्देशक डा.अरुण मास्केले बिज्ञप्ती जारी गरेर सभापति कोईरालाको स्वस्थ्यमा उल्लेख्य सुधार भएको जानकारी दिनु भएको हो । केन्द्रले जारी गरेको बिज्ञप्तीमा सभापति कोईरालाको रगतमा अक्सीजनको मात्रामा केहि कमि भएका कारणा उपचार भईरहेको र चिन्तागर्नु पर्ने अबस्था नरहेको उल्लेख छ । त्यसै गरेर सभापति कोईरालाकी पुत्री तथा उपप्रधानमन्त्री सुजाता कोईरालालेपनि बुवाको स्वस्थ्यमा सुधार भएको र भेटघाट गर्न आउने संग रामै्रसंग बोल्ने गर्नु भएको जानकारी दिनु भयो । त्यसै गरेर सभापति कोईरालालाई शहिद गंगालाल हृदय रोग केन्द्रमा पार्टीका कार्याबहाक सभापति शुसील कोईराला , बरिष्ठ नेता शेरबहादुर देउवा तथा उपप्रधानमन्त्री बिजयकुमार गच्छेदार , अन्य बिभिन्न मन्त्री , उच्च अधिकारी , पार्टीका नेता तथा कार्यकर्ता लगायतले स्वस्थ्य अवस्थाको जानकारी लिएका छन् । सभापति कोईरालाको स्वस्थ्य उपचारकालागि केन्द्रका निर्देशक डा.अरुण मास्के , जगदिस अग्रवाल , मनबहादुर के.सी. , शेखर कोईराला , अजुन कार्कि , यादव देब भट्ट , रवि मल्ल लगायतका चिकित्सकले उपचार गरिरहनु भएको छ ।

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

वाईसीएलद्वारा कांग्रेस नेता खोजी खोजी आक्रमण

नारायणगढ -, २०६६ कार्तिक १० - वाइसीइएलले मंगलबार नारायणगढमा नेपाली काग्रेसका नेता शेरबहादुर देउवा, सभासद गगन थापा र सिंचाई मन्त्री बालकृष्ण खाँण लगायतका नेतालाई खोजी खोजी आक्रमण गरेका छन् । उनीहरुले नेताहरु माथि लाठी र ढुंगा बर्साउनुका साथै तरबार समेत प्रयोग गरेका छन । आक्रमण पछि दोहोरो झडप हुदा तरुणदल चितवनद्धारा नारायणी कला मन्दिरमा आयोजित कांग्रेसको कार्यक्रम स्थलबाहिर निकै बेर तनाब भएको थियो । वाईसीएलले तरुण दलको ५६ औं स्थापना दिवसमा नारायणगढमा आएका पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री एवं कांग्रस नेता नेता शेरबहादुर देउवा, बालकृष्ण खांड र गगन थापालाई लक्षित गरी आक्रमणहरु गरेका थिए । आक्रमणका बेला तरुणदलका केन्द्रीय सभापति महेन्द्र यादव, डा. सशांक कोइराला र चन्द्र भण्डारी साथै थिए । माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले मन्त्री खांड कालो झण्डा देखाउनुको साटो देउवालाई लक्षित गरेर ढुंगामुढा हानेका थिए । रोयल शेन्चुरीमा खाना खाएर कार्यक्रम स्थल नारायणी कला मन्दिर तर्फ जादै गरेका देउवा सवार गाडीलाई वाईसीएलले प्रहरीको घेरा तोडी एक्कासी आक्रमण गरेका थिए । प्रहरीले बल प्रयोग गरेपछि एक्कासी ढुंगा मुढा बर्साउदा देउवा चढेको बा ६ च १०२५ नम्बरको गाडीका शिसा फुटेको छ । आक्रमणबाट उनलाई चोटपटक लागेको छैन । गाडी भित्र सिटमा कांचका टुक्रैटुक्रा थिए । त्यसै बेला मन्त्री खांड सवार गाडीमा समेत आक्रमण भएको थियो । उनी सुरक्षित छन । कला मन्दिर बाहिरबाट माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले २० मिनेट जति ढुंगा हानेका थिए । प्रतिकारमा कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताले समेत केही बेर ढुंगा हानेका थिए । तरुणदलका कार्यकर्ता लट्ठी लिएर भिड्न जानथालेपछि अगुवा कार्यकर्ताले रोकेका थिए ।
कलामन्दिरमा भएको झडपका क्रममा कांग्रेस मेघौली गाउँ समितिका कोषाध्यक्ष ठाकुर बिष्टको अनुहारमा गंभीर चोट लागेको छ । स्थानीय गोपाल देवकोटाको कुममा चोट लागेको छ । भने तरुण दल कार्यकर्ता गोपी गुरुङ, विपिन राई र मंजित लामालाई चोट लागेको छ । माओवादी कार्यकर्ता र प्रहरीबीच झडप भएको थियो । माओवादीले आफ्ना तर्फका करिब एक दजर््रन घाईते भएको दावी गरेको छ । क्याम्पाचौरमा १ घंटा भन्दा बढी समय तानव भएको थियो । आक्रमणको कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय समितिले कडा भत्सर्ना गरेको छ । मुख्य सचिव रामचन्द्र पोखरेलद्वारा जारी बिज्ञप्तीमा नेता तथा कार्यकर्तामाथि भएको आक्रमणलाई आतंककारी गतिविधिको संज्ञा दिदै यस्ता गतिविधि रोक्न माओवादीलाई चेतावनी दिइएको छ । कलामन्दिरमा आक्रमण लगत्तै ३०/४० जनाको समूह नारायणगढ स्थित लुम्बिनी बैंक नजिकैको एक घरमा साथीहरुसित बसेका गगन थापालाई खोज्दै आक्रमणको प्रयास गरेका थिए । उनी बसेको घरभेटीले गेटमा ताला लगाएर उनलाई जोगाइन । 'मलाई नामै किटेर बोलाए,' गगनले कान्तिपुर सित भने-'म नआएपछि बाहिर रहेको मोटरसाइकलको सिट तरबारले काटे र मोटरसाईकल ध्वस्त पारे । उनी चढेको नेविसंघ जिल्ला अध्यक्ष जित नारायण श्रेष्ठको बा २० प २६२९ नम्बरको मोटरसाइल ध्वस्त पारेका हुन । पछि प्रहरीले थापाको उद्धार गरेको थियो । लगत्तै बजारमा माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले तरुण दलका पूर्व जिल्ल्ाा अध्यक्ष शम्भु अर्याल सवार ग १ च ४५३० नम्बरको अल्टो कारमा समेत ढुंगा मुढा गरेर क्षति पुर्‍याए । दुबै पार्टीका कार्यकर्ताले ठाउँ ठाउमा एक अर्का बिरुद्ध चर्का नाराबाजी गरेका थिए । माओवादी कार्यकर्ताले बिहानै क्याम्पाचौरमा भेला भएर बिरोधको तयारी गरेपछि तरुण दलका कार्यकर्ता समेत झण्डा सहित शक्ति प्रदर्शनमा उत्रेका थिए

Maoist finalize 15-day protest programme, to go all out against govt from Nov 2

With the last-ditch effort of the main political parties to reach a consensus to resolve the prevailing political deadlock almost sure to fail, the Unified CPN (Maoist) has finalized its 15-day protest programme on Tuesday.A meeting of the Maoist's United National People Movement Struggle Committee held today morning at the party headquarters in Paris Danda, Koteshwore, Kathmandu finalized the November 2-15 protest programme.The committee was established by the Maoist party to coordinate the party's nationwide agitation programmes.Organizational expansion, running of the party's local fronts, financial plans including other agendas was also discussed during the meeting.The meeting of the powerful central committee is expected to endorse the protest programme the meeting finalized and then publicize it today evening or on Wednesday.Picketing the seat of the government - Singha Durbar and District Administration Offices across the country, public boycott of the programmes attended by the President, Prime Minister, ministers and other government officials including non-cooperation in government works are some of the key features of the Maoist protest programmes.The former rebels have been organizing nationwide agitation protesting the President's move on the Army chief row that led to Maoist party chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal resigning as the prime minister in May 4, 2009.The Maoists have been demanding "correction" of what they call the "unconstitutional" move of the President ever since and had halted their nationwide protests keeping in view the Dashain and Tihar festivals.The Maoist lawmakers have also been continually disrupting the House business since over a month, blocking the endorsement of the budget tabled by the UML-led government.Earlier, the Maoists had given a 9-day ultimatum to the government to address the demands raised by the party regarding the President's move.On Monday, Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal had asked his party workers at a programme in Kathmandu to be ready for a nationwide stir to be launched by the party soon.

Fooling everyone UCPN-Maoists’ plan to capture state power through ballot

Always leaders of the United CPN Maoist (UCPN-M) are making confusing remarks. Just recently, Maoist supremo Pushpa Kamal Dahal remarked that the ongoing political deadlock will be resolved immediately after the Tihar festival and by that time a high-level networking will also be formed. On the other hand, the party’s vice chairman Dr Baburam Bhattarai has been saying that there is very less chance of ice breaking of the political deadlock, hence, nationwide agitation will obviously take place immediately after Tihar. The UCPN-M, from the beginning, is saying that yet another decisive war is inevitable to establish people’s proletariat. A central level Maoist leader, who spent many years in jail after he was arrested in India and extradited to the Nepal government, said that at any cost, people’s proletariat will be established as this is the final goal of the party. He also claimed that after establishment of the people’s proletariat, all the private properties will be nationalized. “We don’t believe in the parliamentary democracy as the parliament is the place where dog’s meat will be sold by exhibiting goat’s head”, he said.
Strategy:The present strategy of the Maoist party is to bargain as much as it is possible. The other strategy is not to say the real goal of the party to the public and always make confusing remarks. The present strategy is to make fool of all and implementing the “one step backward two step forward” policy. As per the strategy, the Maoists are continuously disrupting the CA affairs giving the impression that the constitution cannot be written on time, which would create a political mess. Furthermore, the party is giving the impression that endorsement of the budget for the current fiscal year cannot be possible due to the ongoing disruption of the CA affairs.
However, a political analyst, who is known to be close to the South, claimed that finally the UCPN-M will endorse the budget even by allowing the CA affairs to run smoothly even if just for one day. In fact, he explained, the Maoists are the rebellion force and they are now in a win, win position. The inner strategy of the party is to achieve the goal set by the party and that is the introduction of a people’s proletariat.
The other strategy is to weaken state organizations such as Nepal Army, police force, civil service and other professional organizations through infiltration and creating division in such organizations.As per this plan, the Maoist politicized the Nepal Army, which is known as a professional organ of the nation. Now, there is strong penetration in the Nepal Police, Armed Police and civil service sectors. Besides, in the process of capturing organizations, a large number of Maoist cadres have taken membership of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists. In the same manner, one cadre has taken membership of different organizations, including student union, women’s organization, youths’ organization, trade union and so on. Likewise, for propaganda war, the party has been operating TV channels, a large number of FM Radio stations and weekly and daily journals in an organized manner. According to a journalist associated with a Maoist mouthpiece, all the expenses for producing the newspaper are contributed by the party and the party directly collects advertisement and other revenues. Journalists receive salary directly from the party. It is believed that the UCPN-M is the party which is running the largest number of newspapers in the country. Ballot not bullet:In this regard, whatsoever the leaders are saying, the Maoists are going to accept the new constitution and also contribute to bring the new constitution in time even though the constitution is against the party goal. To recall, earlier too, the Maoists were protesting against the CA elections and there was general impression that the CA election was not possible. But at the last hours, the Maoists participated in the elections. Westerners and Indians, including our political parties were predicting that the Maoists would not get more than 50/60 seats in the direct elections. Contrary to that, the Maoists emerged as the largest party in the CA.Although the UCPN-M has not totally given-up its armed struggle and if cornered from all sides, they are going to re-launch an armed struggle against the traditional enemies, but the party has given priority to capture state-power through ballot. The UCPN-M has carried out a survey on how they can bag two-thirds majority in the upcoming general elections after introduction of the new constitution. The present scenario is that the Nepali Congress organization is limited within urban areas and the same is true of the UML, as most of its grassroots cadres have already joined the Maoist party. Presently too, none of the political leaders, except from the UCPN-M, are able to go to the villages. In fact, the UCPN-M has developed the strategy of not allowing any of the political parties to carry out political programmes in villages. This strategy has been initiated by the party considering the upcoming general elections. Muscle, arms, threats, embargo:The UCPN-M has been highly encouraged from the CA result. The volunteers from international and local election monitoring groups are found roaming around urban areas only and they cannot observe the booth capturing incidents through muscle, arms, threats and embargo on the candidates and voters from other political parties. In the last CA elections, the party had maintained the strategy of “those dead should be made alive and those who were in foreign employment should be present to cast their votes”. This was the strategy of casting false votes in the name of those who were already dead and who were out of the village. The party has already mobilized its cadres in villages by giving such a responsibility to them. Achieving final goal: After bagging two-thirds majority in the upcoming parliament, the UCPN-M aims to scrap the constitution introduced by the Constituent Assembly and introduce its own constitution by introducing a people’s proletariat and presidential model single party political system without having opposition. This is the final goal of the Maoists aimed to be achieved through the ballot by making fool of all internal democratic forces and external forces who are actively involved in bringing the UCPN-M into mainstream politics.

Monday, October 26, 2009

गिरिजाबाबु जिन्दावाद सुजाता जिन्दावाद

गिरिज्जा बाबु तिम्रो पार्टी र पार्टीमा रहेका बाँकी सबै चौथोलिंगी जस्ता भएका नेताहरु वास्तवमै कन्याम भएका भए पनि तिमी र तिम्री छोरी सुजाता काइराला (जोष्ट) वास्तवमै महान छौ । नेपाली कांग्रेस प्रजातान्त्रिक पार्टी भएको कुरा ति म्रा हरेक व्यवहारले पुष्टि गरिरहेका छन् । भर्खरको घटना, छोरी सुजाता परराष्ट्र्र मन्त्रीबाट प्रमोसन भएर उपप्रधानमन्त्री भइन । आफ्नो पुज्य बाबुले छोरीलाई दशैमा दिएको दक्षिणा हुनु पर्छ यो प्रमोसन उहाँ कांग्रेसका लागि जेल नेल खाने र प्रजातान्त्रिक समाजवादको सिद्धान्तका लागि जीवन फालेका विचरा नेताहरु तयार होउ परिस्थितीको सामना गर्न । हुनत ति म्रो प्रगतिमा आंखा लगाउनेहरुका लागि यो सानो प्रोमोसन असैह्य भएको छ होला, तर म एउटा नारी भएको कारणले पनि उपप्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूको प्रमोसनको खुलेर समर्थन गर्दछु । सायद व्युटी पार्लर संघको सदस्य हुन्थे भने पत्रिकाको पहिलो पानामा ठुला ठुला रंगीचंगी अक्षरमा बधाईका भावहरु पोख्थेंहोला । तर आज यी वांगाटिङ्गा अक्षरहरुले भएपनि भित्री हृदयदेखिका बधाइ भाव टक्र्याउँछु सम्माननीय उपप्रधानमन्त्री सुजताज्यू - वास्तबमै गिरिजा बाबु एउटा भाग्यामानी नेता र बाबु दुवै हुन ? उनकी पुत्रीको जर्मन नागरिकसंग विहेवारी भए पनि मातृभूमि प्रतिको माया मार्न नसकि नेपाल फर्किएकी छन् सुपुत्री सुजाता । आजभोली नेपालीहरुले युरोप अमेरिकाको भिषा पाउँदा साथ स्वदेशको माया र आफ्ना बृद्ध माता पिताप्रतिको कर्तव्यलाई चटक्कै बिर्सेर सकभर नेपाल फर्कदैन चाहादैनन् । तर जर्मनीको सफा र सुन्दर वातावरणलाई लात हानेर नेपालको दुर्गन्धित वातावरणमा बस्नुु भनेको सामान्य कुरा होइन । आफ्नो सौन्दर्य र स्वास्थ्यलाई परवाह नगरी देशको लागि यत्रो त्याग गरेको कुरालाई आम नेपालीले पक्कै पनि सामान्य हिसावले लिएका छैनन् । उनको यो त्यागको वदलामा एक दिन पक्कै पनि उनलाई नेपाल देशको प्रधानमन्त्रीको ताज नेपाली जनताले भिराइदिनेछन् । जुन दिन नेपाली इतिहासमा महिलाको लागि स्वर्णिम हुनेछ । सम्पूर्ण गरिब, अशिक्षित र बेरोजगारीको शिकार भई निम्नस्तरको जीवन जीउन बाध्य भएका महिलाई क्रेनले जस्तै तानेर माथि लग्ने छिन त्यसबेलाकी सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री सुजाताले वाहां - उनको बौद्धिकस्तर, भाषण गर्ने कला र अन्तरवार्ता सुन्दा पनि लाग्छ उनको स्तर उपप्रधानमन्त्री भन्दा माथि जानु पर्छ । खाटि कुरा गर्दा एक दिन सुजाताको नाम नेपालका दुइ महिला ताराहरु भृकुटी र सीतासंगै आउने छ । अनि हाम्रा सन्तानहरुले यिनको नाम र कर्मको अमर इतिहासको अध्ययन गर्ने अवसर प्राप्त गर्नेछन । आहां कति भाग्यमानी छोरी !विभिन्न काण्डहरुमा मुछिए पछि पनि उनको मुद्धाको फैसला दिन नेपालको न्यायलयलाई १००० वर्षपक्कै लाग्ला । नेपाली महिलाहरु पुरुषहरुभन्दा धेरै पछाडी भएको कारणले गर्दा नेपाल पछाडी छ । धेरै बाउ आमा छोरीलाई डोको नाम्लो थमाइ दिन्छन र छोरालाई स्कुल पठाउछन् । जनताहरु यती मुर्ख छन की जनचेतना दिए पनि छोरा र छोरीलाई समान व्यवहार गरेका छैनन् । सायद हाम्रा भूतपूर्व राज्यप्रमुख श्री गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइरालाले यिनै अज्ञानी बाबु आमालाई राम्रो उदाहरण दिनलाई होला छोरीलाई एक पछी अर्को ताज दिएका । सम्पूर्ण बाबु आमाले गिरिजाबाबुको तकनिकी अपनाएमा रातारात छोरीको स्तर ९० ड्रि्रीको कोणमा जस्तै सिधै माथि पुग्ने छ । यति धेरै छोरीलाई कसले माया गर्छ ? बिचारा बुढाले छोरी र देशको लागि प्राकृतिक अक्सिजनले नपुगेर नाकबाट कृत्रिम रुपमा पाइप लगाई छिराएर भए पनि बांचेका छन् । छोरी र यो देशको प्रगति नहुंदै उनलाई यमराजले डोहोरयाउन पाउदै पाउदैन । अन्य देशहरुमा विकास र प्रगतीको स्तरले आदर्शस्तर हासिल गरेपछी पृथ्वी भन्दा बाहिरका रहस्यमा ध्यान लगाउदछन । तर गिरिजा प्रसादको १ दशक भन्दा बढीको शासनकालमा प्राप्त विकाशको रफ्तारलाई नेपाल र नेपालीले थेग्ने सकेन र देशमा गृह युद्ध भयो । जे भए पनि उनलाई नेपाली जनताको जनआकांक्षा के हो भन्ने थाहा छ । त्यसैले त डुंग डुंगी गन्हाएको राजतन्त्रलाई (२२ दलका नाथे नेताहरुको नाम मात्र हो) वास्तवमा त्यसको घाटी छिनी गणतन्त्र ल्याउने यिनै गिरिजाबाबु हुन् । यिनी हुन गणतन्त्रका सच्चा पिता । मान्छे भन्छन यिनका दाजु स्वर्गिय विशेश्वर प्रसाद कोइराला राजनेता हुन तर मेरो धारण बेग्लै छ, म त भन्छु गिरिजा प्रसाद मात्रै नेपालका सच्चा राजनेता हुन । उनका दाजु आफु माथि हुनुको साटो सधै प्रजातन्त्र र देशका लागि जेलमा जीवन व्यतित गरे तर गिरिजा बाबुले आफुलाई जेलमा पुर्याउन खोज्ने -चाहे राजा, राजनीतिज्ञ वा सर्वसाधारण)लाई वनवास पुर्याए । अज यिनको नाममा जंगलबाट आएका हुन या घरायसी वोइलर सवै दलका नेताहरु थरर पर्छन । लाग्छ अरु सवै सर्प हुन गिरिजा बाबु गरुड, र्सपलाई गरुडको छाया पर्दा नै डराउछ ।त्यसैले आउ सबै मिली भनौ गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला जिन्दावाद ।तिम्रा पार्टी नेता कार्यकर्ताको उमेर तिमीमा लागोस र तिम्रो आयु गिद्धको जस्तो १००० वर्ष होस । अव यिनी फुटेका आंखालाई रामवरण यादव र माधव कुमारको कुर्सीमा तिमी र तिम्री छोरी सुजाताको बसेको देख्न मन छ । अन्त्यमा अघी बढ बाउ छोरी साथ दिने नेपाली जनता छन । अघि बढ सुजाता ज्यान दिन तयार छौं ।

Saturday, October 10, 2009

NC CWC goes against Koirala's order; decides to hold Mahasamiti meeting

In a decision that indicated weakening grip of Girija Prasad Koirala in the Nepali Congress (NC), the central working committee (CWC) of the NC concluded that Mahasamiti meeting would be held as scheduled, from November 1 to 3, despite Koirala's directive to put it off.The 2nd day meeting of the CWC Friday decided to hold the Mahasamiti in Kathmandu.
Earlier, the party had decided to hold the Mahasamiti meeting in Birgunj much to the discontent of the party president.According to spokesman of Nepali Congress Arjun Narsing KC the CWC had formed three-member panel comprising acting president Sushil Koirala, senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba and parliamentary leader Ram Chandra Poudel to take a decision on the Mahasamiti meeting. The panel also decided to go ahead with the meeting, it is learnt.Majority of CWC members were in favour of organising the Mahasamiti meeting as decided earlier.Party president Koirala had repeatedly directed the central leaders to cancel the Mahasamiti meeting, asking them to concentrate on the homework for the general convention.

माओवादीद्वारा कांग्रेस सभामा आक्रमण

एकीकृत नेकपा माओवादीका कार्यकतार्ले नेपाली कांग्रेसको सभामा आक्रमण गरेका छन् । शुक्रबार अपरान्ह कांग्रेसले विकट गाउं सोहरकोटमा आमसभा गरिरहदा माओवादीले आक्रमण गर्दा दर्जनौं घाइते भएको समाचार प्राप्त भएको छ ।
घटनामा कांग्रेस जिल्ला समिति सदस्य देवीलाल मल्ल, मञ्जन कार्की, ज्ञानप्रसाद चौलागाइं, कमला शाही, टोपबहादुर बुढालगायत गम्भीर घाइते छन् । उनीहरुलाई हेलिकोप्टरबाट उद्दार गरिएको छ ।
घटनास्थल सदरमुकाम गमगडीबाट १८ कोस टाढा भएकाले ढिलो गरी समाचार बाहिर आएको हो । माओवादीले सभा बिथोलेपछि कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ता प्रहरी चौकीमा सुरक्षा लिन पुगेका थिए । त्यहां पनि आक्रमण गरी चौधी क्षतिग्रस्त बनाएका छन् । कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताहरु भागेर सदरमुकाम गमगढी पुगेका छन् ।

Freedom fighter Shrestha dies

Senior leader of Nepali Congress and president of Prajatantrik Senani Sangh Cheej Kumar Shrestha has died at the age of 84, Saturday.
Shrestha, who was suffering from cancer since a long time, died at his residence, Bharatpur at about 4 am, today.Shrestha, who started his political career from his birthplace in Bandipur, Tanahun, was active during the agitation against Rana Oligarchy before 1951.
Shrestha's body will be kept at NC district office Chitwan for last tribute and taken to Devghat for cremation Saturday afternoon.NC acting president Sushil Koirala has left for Chitwan to participate in Shrestha's final rites.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

30 students, 6cops hurt in clashes

KATHMANDU, Aug 10 - At least 30 students and 6 policemen were injured in cla-shes in kathamandu on Sunday.
The fight broke out when police intervened in a students’ demonstration, staged to protest Tribhuvan University (TU)’s decision to phase out the Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL). Police detained at least two dozen students.
Police rained batons on protesters and lobbed over two dozen teargas shells, while students countered with stones and bricks. Inspector Bam Dev Gautam claimed they intervened after demonstrators resorted to vandalism.
Student leaders accused police of entering Amrit Science College (ASCOL) and thrashing students after taking them under control. At least three students were critically injured when they jumped from the top of the college in their desperate bid to escape from police. Irate students set ablaze a government vehicle near the college. The showdown brought vehicular movement to a halt for most part of the day.Also Nepal Student union is going to start new movement opposition of TU,s decision.
Meanwhile, students embarked on an indefinite hunger strike in front of Kirtipur-based TU Vice-Chancellor’s Offfice from Sunday against the PCL phaseout decision.
President of All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union-Revolutionary (ANNISU-R) Lekhnath Neupane said, “We will continue with the hunger strike unless TU opens admi-ssions at the PCL level.” He urged the government to phase out the PCL only after adequate homework.
Some two months ago, the TU Academic Council had deci-ded to phase out the PCL from this acedemic session. In the face of stiff opposition from student unions, the Ministry of Education (MoE) had formed a five-member taskforce under the coordination of MoE Joint-Secretary Lawa Dev Awasthi to look into the issue.
The taskforce submitted its report to Minister for Education Ramchandra Kushwaha on Saturday.
While supporting the TU decision, the report has recommended that the government arrange special facilities for the science faculty in TU-affiliated colleges and constituent colleges until the government builds labs and arranges other facilities to run science classes. It has also asked the government to provide scholarships to poor students and provide full scholarship to students from the Karnali region.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hit-and-run driver regrets staying back for birthday


Biplav Man Singh, whose reckless driving killed five Indian nationals and one Nepali Wednesday night, regrets that he did not return to Bangalore, India three days before for joining his college on time. He prolonged his home-stay to celebrate his 20th birthday with family and friends. "The delay brought me a curse. More regretful is that it all happened soon after I received birthday wishes," investigative officials quoted him as saying after he surrendered to the police Wednesday midnight.
Car runs over pedestrians, kills six
The birthday party was organized at Singh´s home, Khichapokhari. He took out the car to drop his three friends, including an Indian national, at their respective residence. "We celebrated birthday happily. I had some wine, but not much. I am a social drinker. But my friends were in a stupor, to some extent," he continued. Once he pulled the car out to the street, the wide and straight stretch lured him to gear up. Police officers do not believe Singh´s tentative guess of 70-80 km per hour. "That must be above 100 kmh," officers say. He only became careful in his driving when a motorbike appeared closely in front. "I maneuvered the steering a little intending to avoid the bike, but then everything went wrong," he said."The car instead made a circular turn hitting the railing. I saw a person flung down on the street. Our minds did not work. The driver´s door did not open. I exited using another door and fled with other friends," he said.The four went to the home of one in Dhalko by taxi. "Later we knew that six died," he told police officers.Singh said it was just due to fear and confusion that they remained out of contact for 24 hours. "Later we realized that there would be no solution running away," he said in the first statement to the police. Singh contacted his father and brother who were held by police for investigation at around 11 pm Wednesday. He arrived to surrender after one hour. His co-passenger friends are also expected to come over to the police Thursday afternoon. Metropolitan Police Range Kathmandu said it would reveal Singh to the press on Thursday afternoon.

VP's Hindi oath case A victory for nationalists

a time when Nepali nationalism has been targeted from all sides and corners, the Supreme Court took a firm stand against foreign intervention and aggression through a landmark verdict last week which can be summarized into simply "Let Nepal Be Nepal". Vice-President Parmananda Jha who had shamelessly taken his oath in Hindi in order to show his service to the Indians has now received a fitting verdict appropriate for a person who does not abide by the Constitution of his own motherland. We salute senior advocate Bal Krishna Neupane who has now become a towering personality among lawyers of the country and the chief Justice Min Bahadur Rayamajhi along with the bench for the courage and patriotism that they have shown for this verdict.
verdict is so hard-hitting that it even compares the slight error in the oath taking ceremony of US President Barack Obama who then asked the chief justice to administer another oath the next morning. The verdict has said that the taking of oath in Hindi by Jha is unconstitutional. This naturally means that he is not legally the Vice-President of the country and he should return all the salary, perks, allowances and state security and vehicles provided to him by the country. Since his oath has been declared void, he should have the moral courage to say sorry to the nation and take another oath in Nepali or else resign immediately. At least he should stop going to his office.
Instead of doing this, talking to media following the SC verdict Jha grumbled that the SC verdict was "biased and ill-intentioned". He accused the Chief Justice of handling the case with preconception due to conflict of interest with him. Jha who is a former judge himself at the Supreme Court, even questioned the competency of the justices issuing the verdict and obliquely urged them be dismissed from the court. This is not only an ugly and a sadistic accusation but also is a naked contempt of court. How can Jha openly criticize the Chief Justice and justices of the nation? Should not Jha be tried in the court of law for contempt of court? Several journalists in the past have been questioned by the Supreme Court for criticizing the chief justice. Why is Jha being spared by the SC registrar? Is such a thing tolerated in other democracies around the world?
Everyone knows that not Hindi but Maithili and Bhojpuri are spoken by the people of the terai but just to appease the RAW and other agencies of the Government of India, the MJF ordered Jha to take his oath in Hindi. This sparked one of the largest protests in the country. Almost all towns witnessed not only the effigy of Jha but that of a dhoti-clad Dr. Man Mohan Singh burnt and kicked around the nooks and corners of cities like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan and even in the tarai districts. It had nearly turned into another anti-Indian riot. But disregarding this recent grave incident, Jha is again igniting fire certainly due to suggestions coming in from outside the country. This will impact the security of Indian businessmen within Nepal. But nobody seems to be paying attention to this factor.
The government run by a weak and a powerless Prime Minister could not even take a firm stand on this verdict instead the Prime Minister has been taking advice from junior lawyers who are saying that the constitution can be conveniently amended. Instead of abiding by traffic rules, the government is trying to change the traffic lights. What kind of a democracy is this? Only in an autocracy is the Constitution changed every time the people in power are challenged by the independent judiciary. This happened only in Nazi Germany. The interim constitution has already been amended for five times and the nation is slowly slipping into lawlessness and anarchy. If the so-called Vice President himself abuses his authority, negates the constitution, lambasts the court, minimizes the rule of law and the Prime Minister instead of immediately taking steps to implement the verdict chooses to save this culprit what can the nation expect from this Constituent Assembly which erroneously elected this kind of a Vice President? It is no wonder then that the sovereign people of Nepal are fed-up and completely tired of this rigmarole and what other proof is needed that the First Vice-President of the republic has been found guilty by none other than the apex court of the country? Is this not a proof that our republican order has failed?

Monday, July 20, 2009


KATHMANDU: Nepali Congress President Girija Prasad Koirala has today warned all concerned to refrain from embarking on politics that whips up casteist sentiments in the country.

Koirala has come up with the warning at a time when the UCPN-Maoist and tarai centric parties are involved in a stampede to whip up casteist and regionalist sentiments by espousing various communal causes leading to shut down.

"We must now be beware of the politics that whips up casteist and regionalist sentiments. We must refrain from doing that," Koirala, who earlier took part in the function held to observe the 27 B P Memorial Day in the capital said while addressing another function organized by Nepal Trade Union Congress (NTUC) in the capital.

He also shed light on the politics of value propagated by B P Koirala and said that "the nation is in greater need of the values promoted by B P and which include reconciliation and socialism."

प्रहरीले नसके सेना छ : सुशील कोइराला कावा सभापति नेपाली कांग्रेस

नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसका कार्यवाहक सभापति सुशील कोइराला आगामी बाह्रौं महाधिवेशनमा पार्टीका तर्फबाट सभापतिमा उम्मेदवारी दिने तयारीमा हुनुहुन्छ। काङ्ग्रेसको संस्थागत विकास, लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्य–मान्यता र अनुशासनमा अडिग इमान्दार, त्यागी र सङ्घर्षशील नेता सुशील कोइरालाले कहिले पनि सत्ताको राजनीति गर्नुभएन। २०४८ सालमा गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले आफ्नो नेतृत्वको मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा परराष्ट्रमन्त्री बन्न आग्रह गर्दा पनि सरकारमा नगई पार्टीलाई सुदृढ बनाउन सक्रिय हुनुभएका उहाँले प्रधानमन्त्री पदको मौका पनि छाड्नुभएको छ। यसपटकको महाधिवेशनमा उहाँको उम्मेदवारी किन? वर्तमान सरकारले ल्याएको बजेट र सरकारको स्थायित्वबारे कोइराला के भन्नुहुन्छ।

० सरकारको बजेट कस्तो लाग्यो?

–यो बजेट पपुलिस्ट छ। नेपालमा जहिले पनि पपुलिस्ष्ट बजेट आउने गरेको छ। बजेट कस्तो भन्दा पनि कार्यान्वयन मुख्य कुरा हो। व्यावहारिक रूपमा कार्यान्वयन गरेर देखाउनुपर्छ।

० बजेट कार्यान्वयनका लागि सरकारलाई के सुझाब छ?

– सरकारले बजेट व्यवहारमा उतारोस्। बजेट समयमै आइसकेको छ। हामीले दिएको सुझाबअनुसार गरिबसँग विश्वेश्वर, गणेशमान शान्ति अभियान, महिला जागृति, युवा स्वरोजगार कार्यान्वयनमा आउनुपर्छ।

० सरकारले दिगो रूपमा शान्तिसुरक्षा कसरी कायम गर्ने?

– दण्डहीनता रहनुभएन। सरकार कडाइका साथ प्रस्तुत हुनुपर्छ। जनपथ प्रहरी छँदैछ। त्यसले नपुगे सशस्त्र प्रहरी छ। त्यसले पनि पुगेन भने सेना छ।

० सेनालाई पनि सुरक्षाका लागि खटाउने?

शान्तिसुरक्षा त कायम गर्नैपर्यो्। त्यसका लागि राज्यले आवश्यक पर्दा आफ्नो सबै संयन्त्र परिचालन गर्ने कानुनी व्यवस्था छँदैछ। ठूलो कुरा गर्ने, काम केही नगर्ने परिपाटी अन्त्य गर्नुपर्छ। उहाँसँग यसबारे कुरा हुन्छ। म शान्तिसुरक्षालाई प्राथमिकतामा राखेर काम गर्न भन्छु। शान्तिसुरक्षाका लागि सबै मिल्नुपर्छ।

० माओवादीलाई कसरी सहमतिमा ल्याउनुहुन्छ?

– माओवादी पनि राजनीतिक मूलधारमा आउनुपर्छ। उहाँहरूले नागरिक सर्वोच्चताको कुरा गर्नुभएको छ। नागरिकको हकअधिकार खोसेर नागरिक सर्वोच्चताको कुरा गर्ने? नागरिकको घरजग्गा कब्जा गर्ने अनि सर्वोच्चताको कुरा गर्ने? पत्याउने कुरा हो?

० माओवादीले राष्ट्रपतिको कदमलाई असंवैधानिक भनिरहेको छ नि?

– त्यो एकदम गलत हो। राष्ट्रपतिले जुन कदम उठाउनुभयो त्यो देश बचाउन उठाउनुभएको हो। उहाँले कदम नउठाउनुभएको भए देश खाडलमा जान्थ्यो। माओवादीले बुझ पचाइरहेको छ। जो चोर उसकै ठूलो स्वर गरिरहेको छ।

० माओवादीले सदनमा देखाएको गतिविधिलाई कसरी लिनुभएको छ?

– माओवादीले सदनमा शान्तिपूर्ण गतिविधि गर्नुभएको छ। त्यो लोकतन्त्रमा हुन्छ। उहाँहरूले सदनबाहिर भने गलत गतिविधि गरिरहनुभएको छ। जग्गाजमिन कब्जा गर्नुभएको छ। तत्काल कब्जा जमिन फिर्ता गर्नुपर्छ। वाईसीएलको गतिविधि तत्काल बन्द गर्नुपर्छ। वाईसीएल अहिले पनि हत्याहिंसामा सक्रिय छ। भिन्न दलका नेता तथा कार्यकर्ताको हत्या गर्नेदेखि कुटपिट गर्ने काम गरिरहेको छ। उहाँहरूको यस्तो गतिविधिका कारण विश्वास गर्ने ठाउँ छैन।

० माओवादीले आफ्नो नेतृत्वमा सरकार बनाउने भनिरहेको छ नि?

– सरकार बनाउन कसैले रोकेको छैन। सक्छ भने माधवकुमार नेपाललाई हटाएर देखाए हुन्छ। तर सबै कुरा लोकतान्त्रिक प्रक्रियाबाटै हुन्छ। लोकतान्त्रिक प्रक्रिया, नियम, विधिविधानबाहिर कोही जान सक्दैन क्यार। अविश्वास प्रस्ताव ल्याउने र बहुमत पुर्या्एर हटाउने परिपाटी त छँदैछ नि।

० सरकारको विकल्प खोज्नेबेला भयो र?

– माओवादीलाई त्यस्तै लाग्यो होला। उहाँहरू गर्ने भन्नुहुन्छ। विधिविधानबाट हिँडेर देखाए हुन्छ।

० राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको सरकार बन्ला?

– वर्तमान सरकार नै राष्ट्रिय सहमतिको बन्छ। माओवादी यही सरकारमा आउनुपर्छ। सबै सहमति, सहकार्य र एकताबाट अगाडि बढ्नुपर्छ। विश्वासको राजनीति गर्नुपर्छ। जबसम्म विश्वास, सहमति, सहकार्य र एकता हुँदैन तबसम्म केही हुँदैन। गिरिजाबाबुले सबैलाई सहमतिमा लिएर जानुभएको थियो। फेरि सहमतिको विकल्प छैन। राष्ट्रपतिलाई दोष दिनुको कुनै तुक छैन। राष्ट्रपतिले के गर्नुभएको छ? पटक–पटक सम्झाउनुभएको थियो, लिखितपत्र पनि पठाउनुभएको थियो। जबर्जस्ती सेनापति हटाउन खोजेपछि संविधानसभाका १८ दलले आपत्ति जनाएकै हुन्। राष्ट्रपतिले दलहरूको आग्रहमा सेनाको परमाधिपतिका हैसियतले ठीक कदम चाल्नुभएको हो।

० माओवादीसँग सहमति हुन्छ?

– माओवादीसँग सहमति हुन्छ। उहाँहरूले लोकतान्त्रिक आचरण देखाउनुपर्छ। डर देखाउने, धम्क्याउने छाड्नुपर्छ। नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस सहमति, विश्वास, एकता र सहकार्यको राजनीति गर्छ। उहाँहरू गर्ने भन्नुहुन्छ। विधिविधानबाट हिँडेर देखाए हुन्छ।

० काङ्ग्रेसको महाधिवेशन कहिले हुन्छ?

– महाधिवेशन तयारीका लागि छलफल अगाडि बढ्दै छ। भदौमा गर्ने भनेको समय पुगेन। कात्तिक मंसिरमा महाधिवेशन हुन्छ। विधान बनाएर, महाधिवेशन तयारी कमिटी बनाउनुपर्छ। युद्धस्तरमा तयारी गरेर अगाडि बढ्नुपर्छ। विभाग गठन गरेर जान्छौँ। अनौपचारिक रूपमा हिजो छलफल भएको छ।

० तपाईं सभापतिको उम्मेदवार हो?

– म काङ्ग्रेस सभापतिको उम्मेदवार बन्छु।

० तपाईंको उम्मेदवारी किन?

– पार्टीमा रहेको विगतका कमीकमजोरी हटाएर जाने मेरो मूल लक्ष्य हो। पार्टीमा राम्रो संस्कार र प्रणालीको विकास गर्नुपर्छ। मूल्य, मान्यता र अनुशासनको उपेक्षा हँुदै आएको छ। संस्थागत मूल्याङ्कन र अनुशासन हुनुपर्छ। अनुशासन भन्ने कुरा छैन। अनुशासन कायम गर्नुपर्छ। संस्थागत निर्णयबाटै पार्टी सुदृढ भएर जानुपर्छ। गिरिजाबाबु अस्वस्थ हुनुभयो। अब दोस्रो पुस्ता आइसकेको छ। जसअन्तर्गत रामचन्द्र पौडेल संसदीय दलको नेतामा आउनुभयो। सभापतिको चुनावमा पनि दोस्रो पुस्ता नै उम्मेदवार बन्ने पक्का छ। सबैलाई उम्मेदवार बन्ने अधिकार छँदैछ। म विगतका विसङ्गति अन्त्य गर्ने एजेन्डा लिएर जान्छु। म आफैं ६६ वर्ष भइसकेँ। यो उमेरमा आइपुग्दा हाम्रो दशकौंको योगदान छ। अब लोकतान्त्रिक मूल्य–मान्यताका साथ नेतृत्व हस्तान्तरणको प्रणाली विकास गर्छु।

० गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला सभापतिको उम्मेदवार बन्नुभयो भने नि?

– उहाँले उम्मेदवारी दिन्न भन्नुभएको छ।

० गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाको आगामी भूमिका के हुन्छ?

– उहाँले अभिभावकको भूमिका निभाउनुहुन्छ। पार्टी अगाडि बढाउन उहाँको सहयोग, सल्लाह र सुझाब चाहिन्छ। उहाँको अनुभव हाम्रा लागि महत्वपूर्ण रहन्छ।

Constitution-drafting process has fallen behind: Powell

The US Ambassador to Nepal Nancy J Powell is leaving in the second week of July after spending nearly two years here. As director general of the foreign service and director of human resources at the US State Department, she will be in-charge of 70,000 plus foreign and civil service personnel. Ameet Dhakal and Damakant Jayshi of caught up with her to share her experience while in Nepal.Excerpts of the interview: How are going to miss or remember Nepal?

Nancy J Powell: I have lost track of how many times I have come but I look forward to coming back. I didn’t get to do that I still like to do. Certainly this is a very challenging and interesting time for Nepal and to be apart of history that you are writing and I hope it comes out well. Many people believe that you kept a very low profile here? Was it intentional?

Powell: Part of that is my personality. I am used to doing that. I also think I kept a profile that perhaps was in a different place than others have. I tried to be very active in art assistance programs and working with those issues, working on women´s issues and trafficking issues in particular, and then meeting with the politicians without the press attention. Where does Nepal’s peace process stand now?

Powell: I think we all have to be careful no to be too pessimistic. If we look back that it was just five years ago that Nepal was in an insurgency. There has been a great deal of progress. I would join the Nepalis in thinking it should have gone faster and better and smoother but we have to recognize that there has been progress. There are some areas certainly of concerns for my government. First of all, the government can begin to be much more effective to delivering services to people. Many of the VDCs and secretaries are not able to be in their offices; many of the police and other functionaries are not able, at the local level, to protect the people. Health services are disrupted by bandas, by violence. The special committee (on integration of Maoist combatants) now has not met since the government fell back in May. We have been working with the international community, particularly the UN agencies, looking at how you deal with those who were declared non combatants. Those 4000 people need to be removed from the cantonments and to get the parties to agree (on it) so that they get some international support to assist them. You could just kick them out; then you create yourself publicly another problem. We want to make sure that they can earn a livelihood and that they go back into society in normal fashion. Getting the parliament to function again, having the issues surrounding the boycott resolved in one way or another so that the budget can go forward in a normal fashion -- those are all parts of the peace process. Clearly the drafting process has fallen behind on the constitution. People say you will meet the deadline but it will certainly condense the schedule for consultation with the public. It’s important that people know what’s in the new constitution, whether they agree with it or not and express their opinion. What is your assessment of UNMIN’s work and performance in Nepal?

Powell: We have supported UNMIN’s extension in Nepal each time. I anticipate that this time we will do it again. The government has decided that they will like an extension. If I were to judge in addition to UNMIN’s support to elections, it’s joint military coordination committee. It’s been extraordinarily important in creating the ability to discuss issues between the military -- the Nepal Army and the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) -- and to approach this on a technical basis to resolve the issues and to also to create channels of communications. These are the key benefits of having the UNMIN here, of being able to establish those links that might be harder for the Nepalis to establish on their own. In the context of Maoist chairman saying that they increased the number of combatants from 7000 to over 30000, don’t you think that UNMIN flunked in the verification process?

Powell: Frankly, with the acceptance of the verification report by all of the parties and the government of Nepal, I thought my position on it was to say that Nepalis have accepted it. We go forward from here. We could all go back and ask about that but I think you have a starting point which all of the parties have accepted. To go back now and review it is not going to be very productive. The delay that this would cause in the peace process I think is potentially very damaging to Nepal. You need to continue to question what the Maoists’ actions are. You have met the Maoist chairman several times. What do you think about his commitment to democracy or where he would take his party down the line?

Powell: He is very articulate. He speaks to me of the challenges within his party…very difficult task of taking an army that was a revolutionary movement and a military movement into the democratic process. I hope that he is speaking the truth to me when he says those things and I hope that that he is deeply committed to remaining within the political process. I remind him each time that one way or another that words are very, very important. I think Nepalis have put a great stock in his words. The international community has welcomed those words but they need to be matched by actions, not only his own but those of the people within his party. I disagree vehemently with some of the philosophy that is behind the Maoist movement, certainly with some of the economic policies that would be disaster for Nepal and proved to disaster for other countries that have tried them. I also think that there must have been a chord that was struck with many Nepalis and some of the goals that the Maoists articulate – of being more inclusive, and providing a role for women that was expanded from the traditional role in Nepal. Now those goals need to be achieved in a democratic way. How big is the gap between Maoists´ words and action? And does that weigh on the State Department´s calculation in deciding whether or not to lift the terrorist tag off the Maoist party?

Powell: Very much so on the latter point. There have been positive developments: commitment to democracy and participation in elections. They functioned as a ruling party and a coalition. But I think at the same time we have watched the YCL (Young Communist League) continue what are very undemocratic practices. Also there has not been formal renouncement of violence by the party. Again those are words but they are important words. Two of our staff members were killed during the insurgency. We´ve had some explanation for those but nothing has been done in terms of a formal apology, in terms of working with the families of these two men. That we take very seriously.I think we´ve been particularly concerned about the attacks on the media. They started very quickly after I arrived. The violence that´s been perpetrated against the press is the key element that we are looking at. Do the Maoists really mean this because cornerstone of democracy has to be a free press? How much is the pressure from the Maoist party on your government to lift the terrorist tag?

Powell: There´s been discussions but I wouldn’t call it pressure. Certainly when Assistant Secretary (Robert) Blake was here, in both his private discussions and during his press conference he explained very clearly that it was again a matter of more than just words (and) making sure their actions reflect this. Could a starting point for lifting the terrorist tag be a formal renouncement of violence by the Maoists?

Powell: It certainly would help. But if you just make a statement and the next day a teacher or a worker from some other party is thrashed, or someone is not allowed to get procurement documents because they do not belong to your party. Many times those of us in Kathmandu miss the extraordinary pressure that´s exerted at the local level. This again needs to be watched carefully. These are not democratic actions. How has the fact that the Maoist are on terrorist list affected US aid to Nepal when they were in government?

Powell: Our assistance continued as it was. Our focus remained in the same places of supporting the peace process, and supporting health issues in particular. Those are the two big areas. We have been able to, within our own system, obtain what we call a waiver that allowed us to meet with the Maoists to coordinate that. But most of the US assistance does not go directly to the government of Nepal unlike some of the other donors. Most of ours goes into project-related activities where we are giving money to a local NGO and international NGO, someone who actually takes a specific set of goals and implements that project. If we were giving the money directly to the government. That might have been more complicated. In that case, the Maoists never felt the need for the terrorist tag to be lifted except for their image.

Powell: I would hope that image is important to them. Being branded a terrorist by the United States government, I hope, still carries some stigma with it. I would hope that they would take the actions that would get them off the list. So you believe that image is good enough to keep the heat on them?

Powell: I think it’s important that until there is concrete evidence of a real change in behavior we at least would keep the designation. The evidence is mixed and I would hope that it would continue to move in the right direction. Last year a Nepali trade delegation led by Nepal’s chief secretary went to the United States to lobby for duty free access to Nepali garments, among other things. The US side suggested access to markets in both countries and duty free regime on other products as well through bilateral negotiations. After the delegation returned, they got positive feedback. But since then, it almost seems to be in cold storage. Could you throw some light on that?

Powell: There are three or four issues in that. Let me take the garment issue first. The whole worldwide system that governs garment imports and exports was changed a few years ago. It became a very open system where this is extraordinarily competitive, and changing those rules you have to deal with the entire world. It’s just not a bilateral agreement. Nepal’s garment industry in this international competition is so young and so small that it’s been very hard for them to compete even if the playing field were level. It’s not level because you have 18 hours of load-shedding for much of the year, you have incredible labor disputes.On the American side, this is a very complex domestic political issue because our own garment industry has been one of those that was hit by competition from overseas. And so the impetus for any change in the regulations really has to come from outside. There has been a bill introduced by Senator (Diane) Feinstein and one other senator. Trying to get this bill through the US Congress will be a major effort because there are lots and lots of members of Congress whose own districts have been affected – not by Nepali competitions; (but) competitions from China, from Korea, from other large manufacturers.The potential for a wider trade agreement…we do have a trade official coming sometime in August who will look at this. We are going to need a government with whom we can negotiate because this is a negotiation and whether the government of Nepal puts this on a priority, whether it can put the attention to it in the midst of the political developments.In terms of US investment in Nepal, I’ve met with the American business community here. They pretty much universally want to be here. But they also have a set of concerns that range from the load-shedding, the question of whether or not rules are going to be fairly and transparently applied to them or whether they are going to be targeted because they are international company. Questions of extortion from various groups from labor unions or others have made it difficult for a number of people to continue here. There are security concerns. Nepal is going to have to work much harder to attract foreign investments. One of the key areas of potential development is hydropower, yet you have 18 hours (of load-shedding); there’s something wrong. How was your Mustang trip experience?

Powell: I had a wonderful time. It was an area that I had never been to before. I went with several goals in mind. One was to follow up on projects. Americans take very seriously what they do with their tax dollars. We had begun a project, cultural preservation, on a very small level. We were anxious to see how this was going and whether or not we could carry it out. In addition to that I was interested in seeing the environmental impact of expanding tourism in Mustang. I very much wanted to see what the road was doing to Jomsom. And to talk to people about what they expected the extension of the road to Lomangthang to do; to have a better understanding of how government services in a very remote region reach people, or as the case was, don’t reach people in many case. I had an opportunity to talk to people, to observe with our own eyes how very remote this area is and yet how it is changing. It was a fascinating experience. I found the publicity on the trip to be extraordinary. It was a very straightforward trip that people used for their own purpose and simply made up stories. We (Republica and Nagarik dailies) simply had your pictures and travel report.

Powell: And I appreciate that. The time when both the articles appeared I acknowledged that it was very nice to have somebody actually come and see who I was meeting and who I was not, and what I was doing. I would hope that where there are such blatant falsehoods, people recognize that. I hope these newspapers´ credibility went down a bit. One of them -- we were reviewing the press today -- and I had to say, ´Is this a Mustang story or is this real´? That has become our shorthand for ´Is this totally a made-up one or is this a real The number of Nepalis going to the US is increasing every year? Are there any issues of concern for the US embassy here?

Powell: I think there are a couple. First of all, we are very pleased with that. When I was here before doing the consular work (1980-82), in my first year there were 900 applications. Last year it was something over 35,000 – so a very different range of numbers. In that, there is a huge increase of student which I think is a very positive from the American point of view. It’s also very good for Nepal. Nepal ranks number 11 in the world in terms of the number of students it sent to the United States last year.This isn’t per capita, this is total. If you did per capita, it would be in top two or three.We did a program in spring where we honored our consular official. They used this opportunity to explain to Nepalis that we run a very transparent visa process. We would encourage them to use that transparency; and being very careful about some of the consultants who take their money and do not help them. In fact they hurt them by providing them with fraudulent stories, with fraudulent documents. This is an increasing concern.When I issued 900 visas in my first year, I am fairly confident that no more than what a handful maybe gave me was false. Now it is a daily occurrence for us to get documents that are very, very clearly fraudulent, with stories that are not true. It also means that Nepalis who applied for visa are losing money. 900 in two years?

Powell: No, I did 1200 in the second year. So it is a big increase. So does that sum up the change that Nepal has gone through?

Powell: The 900 who came and applied for a visa, they had enough money to buy a round trip ticket. Many of them were officials, Fullbrighters and others. It was a very small number of Nepalis that had that kind of money. One of the things I noticed is how much the buying power has increased. The number of people who can put together money for their child´s education in the Unites States, or to go to Disneyland or to go visit family in the United States has grown hugely. That means there is more money in Nepal. I see it in the traffic as well. There were very few Nepalis driving cars and almost nobody driving motorcycles. That´s the gauge I use rather than the visa applications. But I also think the pressure to get an education, the pressure to have a job outside has increased the tendency to make fraudulent applications. There are many, many more businessmen going and looking for opportunity. But the big increase out there is students.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Use of Nepali Land Against China

Although the Nepali political leaders express strong commitment to the leaders and diplomats of our neighbouring countries about not allowing Nepal to be used for any activities against them when they meet each other, in practice they are allowing such activities to take place in Nepali soil. Janadharana vernacular weekly has reported that a team of Nepali Constituent Assembly members have even extended an invitation for a visit to Nepal to the Dalai Lama, who is in self exile in India. Chairman of the Lumbini Foundation, Sidhartha Gautam, who is known to be close with the Hindu fundamentalist party, BJP, had arranged a visit of the tarai based parties’ CA members to Dharamshala and meeting with the Dalai Lama.

During the meeting, the CA members representing some tarai-based political parties, had handed over a request letter to the Dalai Lama to inaugurate the Tibet Communication Center in Kathmandu, which has been closed for a long time.The Center situated in Lazimpat was closed down after King Gyanendra assumed executive power. The Maoist-led government had declined to re-open the Center.It has been revealed that Dalit Indigenous Party chairman Bishwobendra Paswan, B.P Yadav from Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (Upendra), Rajkishor Yadav, Asha Kumari Sardar, Ishwor Dayal Mishra of TMLP and Rukmani Chaudhary of the Federal Loktantrik Manch met the Dalai Lama and handed over the invitation to him. The CA members led by Sidhartha Gautam assured him that the Madhesi CA members will support in establishing a Himalayan State in federal Nepal. They reportedly said that after the establishment of the Himalayan State, the agitation for the independence of Tibet would be decisive. The Dalai Lama has said that he had a desire since long to visit Nepal and that he was not able to do this because the Nepal government had not given any invitation. He also cited the threat issued by China to Nepal which had made him stay away. According to a source, the CA members said that they would work to urge the Nepal government to make arrangements for the visit. After the Nepali CA members met the Dalai Lama on 27 June, a team of American parliamentarians also met the Lama.

According to a website run by Dharmashala, the UML-led government has informally informed that it will allow the reopening of the Tibet Center, which is equivalent to an embassy.Likewise, a 10-member team constituting of writers, journalists, professors and social workers based in western Nepal, led by human rights organization (Huron) also met the Dalai Lama and promised him Nepal's support in the Free Tibet agitation.

According to a report, Dharmashala is extending the branches of Tibet Young Congress (TYC) in Nepal-Tibet bordering areas. The Indian army has already opened District Soldier Board offices in those districts where the TYC branches are being extended. Dalai Lama’s workers, with the support of the Indian army personnel in civil dress, are active in Nepali villages bordering with Tibet, calling for the establishment of a Himalayan State. This shows the intention of the Dalai Lama to establish a Himali State in Nepal.According to an analyst, "The Indian immigrants in Tarai are being pumped up to call for caste-based federal states with total autonomy. This is India's long term strategy of establishing one Madhesi one state. The representatives of the same Madhesi immigrants met the Dalai Lama. Since 1960, Lama has been active in establishing a separate independent Himalayan State in Nepal. Lama is receiving open support from America, European nations and India," an analyst said.

Referring to the visit by Madhesi CA members he said, "This situation shows that the nation is on the verge of disintegration. Indian immigrants will establish a federal state in south, while Tibetans will do so in the northern parts. Then an agitation will be launched for regional rights over water, land and jungles, the agitation will be suspended in condition for a regional referendum and to legally disintegrate Nepal through a referendum. The Nepali parties are well aware of this, but they are pretending as if they know nothing."According to Janadharana weekly, it has received information that a British citizen named Tom Linton arrived in the capital in the recent past from America. He stayed at Annapurna Hotel in Durbar Marg and organized a meeting of anti-Chinese activists for two days before returning back to the US. The British national had also held a meeting at Kathmandu Guest House in Thamel, in which Nepali nationals were also there, according to a source.

peoplesreview .com

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

माओवादीको असहिष्णुता सत्ताको झोँक - प्रधानमन्त्री

काठमाडौं -प्रधानमन्त्री माधवकुमार नेपालले वर्तमान सरकारप्रति एकीकृत नेकपा (माओवादी) ले देखाएको असहिष्णुता उनीहरूले सत्ता छोड्नुपरेको झोँकमात्र भएको बताउनुभएको छ ।
नेकपा (एमाले) केन्द्रीय सम्पर्क समन्वय कमिटीको आयोजनामा आज पार्टी कार्यालय, बल्खुमा अञ्चल सर्म्पर्क सङ्गठन कमिटी र जिल्ला सर्म्पर्क मञ्चहरूका पदाधिकारीहरूको केन्द्रीय प्रशिक्षण भेलालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै उहाँले सो कुरा बताउनुभएको हो ।
माओवादीका नेताहरूभित्र कुराकानी गर्दा आफूलाई संविधानसभा सदस्य बन्नु अपरिहार्य भन्छन् तर बाहिर तथानाम गाली गर्छन् भन्दै उहाँले "पार्टीबाट मलाई संविधानसभामा नलाने निर्णय गर्दागर्दै पनि चिठ्ठी लेखेर र घरमै आएर सदस्य बनिदिन उनीहरूले आग्रह गरेका हुन्" भनी स्पष्ट गर्नुभयो ।
संविधानसभामा सबै ६०१ सदस्यको बराबर हक छ, आफ्नै अयोग्यताले माओवादीहरूले सरकार छाडेकाले स्वाभाविक र लोकतान्त्रिक विकल्पका रूपमा यो सरकार आएको बताउँदै प्रधानमन्त्री नेपालले भन्नुभयो- "तर ३५९ सदस्यको सहयोग र र्समर्थनबाट आएको यो सरकारलाई उहाँहरूले सहन सक्नुभएको छैन ।"
प्रधानमन्त्री नेपालले आफूबाट पार्टीको छवि घट्ने गरी कुनै काम नहुने स्पष्ट गर्दै सबै नेपालीको मर्यादा उच्च राख्ने गरी काम गर्ने पनि बताउनुभयो ।
(स्रोत रासस)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

President Dr Ram Baran Yadav presented the policies and programmes of the new government at the legislature parliament Thursday.

Major priorities set by the policy document of the government include timely completion of the peace process, drafting of new constitution within the stipulated time, reconstructing of the state and instutionalisition of the federal model on the basis of national consensus and reconstruction of physical structures destroyed during the conflict.Rehabilitation of people displaced by the decade long conflict and relief programmes to conflict-affected families will be other priorities of the UML-led government.As per the policy document, rehabilitation, integration and the management of Maoist combatants will be completed before the new constitution is issued.Similarly, the government will introduce interim provisions to run the local bodies on the basis on political consensus.As agreed by political parties earlier, some important commissions like Peace and Rehabilitation Commission, truth and reconciliation commission and commission on involuntary disappearance will be formed this year.

The government also plans to launch probe into the property of former royal families and use their misappropriated property in the national interest.
The policy document mentions that improving security situation, guaranteeing press freedom and human rights and ending impunity will also be the priorities of the government. The government has also pledged to introduce code of conduct for the government agencies in order to make their works effective.

Scientific land reform, formation of industrial security force and programmes to provide at least 100 days employment to poor families in a year also figure as the priorities in the policies and programmes of the government.
Similarly, the government will take stern measures to stop highway blockades and disruptions and will scrap the syndicate system in transportation service.

Meanwhile, in a symbolic protest against the President's move reinstating the army chief sacked by the previous government, the main opposition Unified CPN (Maoist) sent only two lawmakers - deputy parliamentary party leader Narayankaji Shrestha and chief whip Post Bahadur Bogati - at today's House sitting.
In the second sitting today, Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal will table the policies and programmes at the parliament.

The House will debate the policies and programmes on Sunday before endorsing it.
The next day, Finance Minister Sunrendra Pandey will unveil the budget for the new fiscal year.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Maoists prevent UML cadres from entering Banepa

To ward off the rally scheduled by the CPN (UML) for Tuesday against attack on its cadres and party office, the Unified CPN (Maoist) has barred any vehicles from entering Banepa.
UML had invited its party members from the neighbouring villages and areas to participate in the rally planned for 12 noon today. However, Maoists have deployed large number of its members around the town, preventing vehicles entering Banepa from 10 a.m.

On Monday, Maoist cadres had attacked and vandalised the UML party office in Banepa, in retaliation of UML resistance to the Maoist-called bandh on Sunday.
Large number of security personnel have been deployed and kept in alert for possible clashes between the two parties.

Similarly, the Maoist-affiliated Kirat Mukti Morcha has called general strike in six eastern districts – Bhojpur, Sankhuwasabha, Udaypur, Khotang, Solukhumbu and Okhaldhunga – protesting the president’s move to reinstate Chief of Army Staff Rookmangud Katawal. Early reports say at least two motorbikes were vandalised in Gaighat this morning for defying the strike.
Maoists have also called for one-hour strike nationwide today as part of their protest programmes.
While leading the coalition government earlier, Maoists had tabled the proposal to end all kinds of strikes until the country gets a new constitution. However, the proposal was rejected by other parties.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Maoists warn NC, UML cadres to leave Ramechhap, gun fires kill one in Rolpa

Shortly after withdrawing from the government, the Maoists have begun their unruly behavior like they were carrying out during the insurgency period.
The Maoist district committee in Ramechhap has issued warning to members of Nepali Congress and CPN (UML) to leave the district by Saturday.
The district leader also threatened to take ‘physical action’ if anyone being warned did not abide by the circular in the said period.
The VDC and village committees of the party have circulated the warning throughout the district and posted it in several public places. Maoists have alleged NC and UML of being pro-Indians.
In the meantime, reports from Rolpa say crossfire between unidentified groups have left at least one dead. The deceased has not been identified.
Police have begun air patrol in Gam area of the district where the shooting took place.

Video shows Dahal admitting real strength of PLA not more than 8,000; sharing plans to control army and capture state (updated)

In a shocking revelation, it appears that the actual strength of the Maoist People's Liberation Army (PLA) was between 7,000 and 8,000 and not 35,000 as reported by Maoists before United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) started the verification process.
In a video telecast by Kathmandu-based Image Channel Monday afternoon, Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal is seen telling PLA combatants in a meeting at Shaktikhor located cantonment in Chitwan how the party swindled all into believing that the number of PLA was 35,000 when it was actually not more than 8,000, ultimately leading to the increase in PLA's strength rather than its reduction as has been assumed.
Dahal is seen further justifying the inflated figure in the video which the channel claimed was from January 2, 2008 when the Maoists were an important constituent of the Girija Prasad Koirala led interim government "We were (PLA's strength) somewhere between 7,000 and 8,000. If we had reported the correct figure of the PLA, then it would then have been reduced to around 4,000."
"But our party's leadership decided to report PLA strength as 35,000, and thanks to it the PLA's strength is now 20,000 at least," he said smilingly, evoking peels of laughter around him.
"So our strength has actually increased. You and I know the truth, but why should we tell it to others."
He said the apart from the PLA, which he said is now already a "regular army", the party has also formed YCL comprising thousands of youths despite various difficulties and "who now add to our strength".
The Maoist chairman also revealed that a significant share of the money that will go to "our martyrs" in villages throughout the country and the PLA in cantonments will be used by the party to prepare for revolt and ultimately capture the state.
"You all know that if we have enough money in our hands we can prepare a good battle plan. So, the party needs a good amount of money for the revolt," he said.
He further said that though the party may appear to have again reached a compromise (with the state and political parties), "but if you look deeply then you will know how seriously the party is preparing for the ultimate revolt".
Thereafter, Dahal talked about the difficulties that exist in the wholesale integration of PLA combatants into the Nepal Army (NA).
Claiming that PLA combatants are "politically aware", he said even a small number of their entry into NA is enough to establish complete Maoist control over the army.
This was why Army chief Rookmangud Katawal was against our soldiers entry into the army, he said.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Congress’ rejects Maoist proposal

Nepali Congress chairman Girija Prasad Koiralaand Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on Tuesday held dialogue.During the meeting, PM reportedly urged Congress to come to agreementin terms of taking action against Chief of Army Staff RukmangadKatawal. NC thoroughly rejected the proposal.The meeting was participated by Maoist secretariat member Narayan KajiShrestha, Dr. Baburam Bhattarai and Ram Chandra Poudel, Krishna PrasadSitaula from NC side.They also discussed the latest political development and alternativeroute to solution of the problems.NC has been obstructing the Constituent Assembly session in protest ofgovernment decision to sack CoAS.

President urged to play appropriate role

The PAPAD officials on Tuesday met with PresidentDr. Ram Baran Yadav at latter’s residence in Sheetal Niwas in thecapital.The officials urged the President to play an appropriate role in thedispute surrounding the issue the government decision to take actionagainst the Chief of Army Staff Rukmangad Katawal.Papad is an organization comprising Nepal Bar Association, Federationof Nepalese Journalists, Teachers’ Association among others

PM holds secret meeting with Sujata

Sujata Koirala, daughter of Nepali Congress president Girija Prasad Koirala and a party leader, has started secret consultations with Maoist leaders including Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal about joining the government.
As other party leaders were engaged in discussing strategies of protest against the Maoists for trying to sack the army chief Tuesday afternoon, Sujata quietly walked out of the Central Working Committee meeting at party headquarter, Sanepa to meet the PM along with other Maoist leaders waiting for her at finance minister Baburam Bhattarai’s residence, Pulchowk.

Although, the details of the content discussed during the meeting is not known, it is understood the Maoist leaders and Sujata discussed ways of including NC in the government and the row over sacking the army chief. Maoists have offered the defense ministry to Sujata if she can convince her party to join the government.
PM Dahal, who had offered NC president Koirala to join the government in a brief one-on-one meeting, Tuesday morning turned to his daughter after Koirala did not give a clear response.

Other NC leaders are strongly against the idea of joining the government. As Sujata was secretly discussing strategies to coax NC leadership to join the government with Maoist leaders, NC spokesperson Arjun Narsingh KC told journalists there was no possibility of NC joining the government.
Sujata has also come in controversy within the party for expressing remarks supporting the government’s plan to sack the army chief in a parliament meeting last week.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Govt.-NA tussle has taken grim turn

The tussle between the Nepal Army and the government headed by the UCPN (Maoist) really seems grim. After smaller tiffs between the NA and the Defense Ministry, the matter took a serious turn when none less than the Army Chief Rukmangud Katwal wasby the government on Monday and was told to submit an official explanation for several decisions that he or rather the Army had taken in the recent past.
He did so on Tuesday morning, but instead of submitting the explanation letter at the Defense Ministry, the letter was registered at the PM’s Office.
“It is unsure what the government decision will be, but whatever it is, it can lead to further strain in the relations between the government and the military, which is not good for the ongoing peace process and also the shaky democracy that has virtually been rammed down the throat of the Nepalis by the Maoists and also foreigners,” said a retired Major General, who did not want to be named.
He informed that there was huge dissatisfaction in the Nepal Army, not only by the bullying style of functioning of the Maoist leaders, but also because of the several decisions, including the decision of the Defense Minister, to retire eight senior Brigadiers in one go. “I cannot say whether the Army officers will retaliate, but it is certain the politicization process of the institution that is supposed to guard the sovereignty and independence of the nation has begun,” he further said.
In a meeting of the Maoist Secretariat on Tuesday morning at PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s official residence in Baluwatar, a decision was taken to oust the Army Chief if his explanation was not satisfactory.
On the other hand, the Nepali Congress and the CPN (UML), the latter a partner in the government, have strongly objected to the Maoist decision to even ask for an explanation with the Army Chief in this manner.
A delegation of senior NC leaders went to meet President Ram Baran Yadav and the party’s spokesperson Arjun Narsingh K.C. after the meeting said that the President had promised them he would not allow anyone to politicize the military. Similarly, tough speaking UML leader K.P. Oli also met president Yadav and he told media people that the UML would never support this sort of a decision of the Maoists. On Monday, PM Dahal also had met the President.
Giving a completely new angle to the present stand-off, a senior journalist, who is considered one of the most objective political analyst in the country, was of the opinion that maybe some conspiracy is being hatched to bring to a head on collision between the present government and the Nepal Army. “The Maoists and other political parties are being abetted to either demoralize the army or incite it to retaliate,” he explained.
On the same day that this decision was made public, how serious the situation had become, was manifested by the emergency meeting held by top Nepali Congress leaders on that very evening, to discuss the government’s decision to summon the army Chief.
In an interview right after this crucial meeting, NC leader and former Foreign Minister Prakash Sharan Mahat said that his party was strongly against the decision of the Maoists to politicize the army and demoralize its soldiers.
“It is sure India is also involved in egging on the Maoists, but as far as the tough stance taken by the Nepal Army, it could be professional integrity or maybe they also have the backing of some Western countries, mainly the United States,” said Khil Dhoj Thapa, a senior journalist and a influential member of an alliance of small parties in the present Constituent Assembly.
Thapa explained that India always had the intention of doing away with the Monarchy and also weakening the Nepal Army, so that it could play a dominant role in Nepal. It has been highly successful in this policy. “The Maoists and other parties are merely tools for India to implement its designs,” he pointed out.
Many independent observers had continuously said in the past that constitutional monarchy and the Nepal Army were instrumental in keeping united the multi-ethnic Nepal and also in ensuring its sovereignty, but one of the institutions has already been dismantled and the other is also being slowly eroded.
But still, the most serious issue is whether there will be a direct confrontation between the government and the biggest and most well armed security force in the country. What will happen if this happens? Will Nepal be torn apart by civil war or will it be another military state like so many other countries, in this region and also other places? Both the outlooks do not bode well for the Nepalese.
“Here, we must blame the government and specially the Maoist leaders for trying to provoke an otherwise ‘sleeping’ army, which has been confined to the barracks under the comprehensive peace agreement,” said Khil Dhoj Thapa.
Agreeing on this, the retired Major General also expressed the opinion that the Army, which had remained quite aloof from politics till now, was unnecessarily being pulled into controversies and perhaps even provoked to stage a power show. “Till now, the Nepal Army does not have a legacy of staging coups, but if its hands are forced, it can’t be said it will not react to constant provocation,” he stated.
It is not surprising that both the Maoist leaders and also officers of the Nepal Army are highly suspicious of each other, as till just three years back, they were engaged in a fierce battle to finish off each other. Therefore, the strained relations are understandable. But it is irresponsible on the part of the Maoist led government to try and demoralize this force, even when it has shown through words and deeds that it is ready to abide by the decisions of a civilian government. The professional attitude of the Nepal Army must not be taken as a weakness. This could be highly counter-productive.
If the Maoist leaders don’t show more vision and intelligence in dealing with their former enemy, the country could once more be pushed into another conflict and again it would be the Nepalese